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Updated: Aug 20, 2021

Warning: Spoiler Alert !

Unhinged is a 2020 thriller featuring Russell Crowe (unhinged man), Caren Pistorius (Rachel) and Gabriel Bateman (Caren's son, Kyle).

The story is about how a man, who seems to be going through deep mental and emotional issues of which separation or divorce from his partner might be only one of the causes, unleashes hell upon a woman and her family. The events that unfold are so unexpected despite the violent hint from the very first scene. Mental well-being/health and the awareness of it are deeply saturated in the foundation of this film's theme. You never really know what people are going through and its effect on them, and sometimes, simple courtesy and politeness might hold tremendous weight in the scale of balance between sanity or insanity, life or death, normal or hell.

I found Rachel a tardy, rude and irresponsible woman who didn't take responsibility for her actions. Her son seemed more mature than her, and frankly, she was begging to be taught a lesson. Oh but what a lesson!! A simple sorry was all the man wanted... needed, and it wouldn't have been out of place for Rachel to have given it to him. Honking several times or too loudly, cutting someone off with our cars, not moving when the traffic light changes to green; how many times have we been on either the giving or receiving end? This film was a serious wake up call! This was road rage taken to horrific heights. Rachel refused to admit her wrong and apologise and the mentally struggling man finally becomes completely unhinged. Subsequently, he begins to follow her and proceeds to inflict violence and death on those connected to her before finally reaching her and her son.

An extremely gruesome film and Russell's best performance yet. Adding on a few pounds, plus a fat body suit for this role, made him look incredibly different. The man's heftiness was probably the reason why it was hard for one bullet to take him down. Wonderful directing of a story that had a hard reality lesson to teach. However, there seemed to be unrealistic elements in the plot. How is it that the man continues to get around leaving a number of blood spilling and fatality in his wake? Where was the police? After the gruesome killing and arson from the first scene, why hadn't he been found, brought in and investigated? The one scene where he was shot; one police officer? Really?

Totally captivating film from start to finish. This is not surprising from Jerrick Borte, who also directed the 2009 comedy-drama The Joneses (lovely film, by the way).

Unhinged was thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable to watch. My rating? 8.5 over 10. I highly recommend!!

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2 kommentarer

20 sep. 2020

I think this will be a very good movie . The summary even better than the trailer. Definitely a must watch for me!!


Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore
09 sep. 2020

Great summary. Great film.

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